Results & Certificates
Last Update: 28 April 2022
All written test exam scripts are returned to Cambridge Assessment International Education in the UK for marking and grading.
Candidates’ answers and other work done by candidates as part of an examination will not be released to candidates, schools or centres.
All candidates receive a Statement of Results, and candidates will also receive a Certificate if the candidates are successful in the exam.
The Statement of Results will be released online approximately six to nine weeks after the paper-based exams. Cambridge has advised that the COVID-19 pandemic disruptions (social distancing, work-from-home, self-quarantine of workers, etc., in the UK) over the past 2 years have stretched the results window from six weeks to nine weeks.
Certificates for successful candidates will be available for collection between 9 to 13 weeks after the exam. Candidates will be notified of the collection details.
Results are reported in a way designed to provide positive encouragement to learners.
The Cambridge English Qualifications certificate does not expire. Recognising organisations such as universities, colleges, and employers can choose how long to accept results, so candidates should always check their requirements.
Your Statement of Results will include:
Your result - the final grade you obtained for your exam.
Your overall score - your overall Cambridge English Scale score for the whole exam.
Your CEFR level - the Common European Framework of Reference level that you achieved.
Your individual component scores - your Cambridge English Scale score for each of the skills measured by the exam; Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (and Use of English for some exams). With these individual scores you easily see how you performed across the exam and which skills you may need to improve on.
You can find more detailed information about your results on the Results page for your exam:
Individual paper performance is not provided for those candidates with grade X (absent from part of the examination), grade Z (absent from all of the examination), or PENDING (result to follow).
Examples of the Statement of Results